A statement about recent discoveries in astronomy

The most significant scientific discoveries in the field of astronomy, made in the last few years, can be considered facts as follows:

While the phenomenon of constant velocity is explained logically with existence of so-called “dark matter” in space among galaxies, the existence of two static objects in the center of the galaxy is interpreted with more than absurd theories. Allow me to express my standpoint to these seemingly unrelated facts:

1.       Both discoveries are substantial anomalies (in the context of present comprehension of the universe) which are impossible to explain only with the laws of gravitational forces. Besides, it is necessary to clarify many other facts, like the origin of matter in void space and the reason why the center of the galaxy is empty – except for the two entities. All these facts (among many other things) concerning regular evolution of the cosmos – from void space until the evolution of civilization and the highest possibilities of Life – are described on a website at http://abstheory.hyperlink.cz or  http://www.bristle.cz/kosmickemysleni//.

2.       An insight into the regular organization of the universe requires to realize the facts below:

-          Every cosmic process is organized as cooperation of two opposite categories.

-          A galaxy is the basic unit of the evolution of Life, where the primary cooperative categories are the Material (positive) space and the Spiritual (negative) space.

-          Every absolute process in the cosmos makes regular progress, the essence of which is the accumulation of energy in the so-called Bearer. At the beginning of every process, this energy is at the minimum unit value. The supposition that at the very beginning of evolution of the universe energy was concentrated into one point is quite absurd. The same as the thought of a man begins from unit energy, the cosmic space must also begin from minimum values and build basic “construction material” at first.

-          The evolution of the universe began with a genesis of negative matters MI, MII, MIII in void space. The matters MI and MIII have determinative mutual force bond (they approach each other at a functional distance), while matters MI and MII repulse each other. Force bonds are given by a degree of a quality of reciprocally effecting matters and with the fact whether the matter is of positive or negative category. There is not only gravitation, which is manifested by the above-mentioned anomalies. What did Niels Bohr use to say? …a sufficiently crazy theory is more than the Big bang theory.

-          The Bearer of Life is the Spiritual (negative) space – separate for every galaxy. It is formed by negative matters MI and MII. The matter MI is concentrated in the center of every galaxy and ejects the entire matter MII by repulsive forces onto the periphery of a galaxy. All galaxies in the infinitely spacious universe form together infinite and solid skeleton of the Spiritual space (infinite three-dimensional “honeycomb” from the matter MII). There is a separate and absolutely regular evolution of Life in every cell of the skeleton. The negative matters MI and MII (the “dark matter” currently being searched for) sustain constant progressive motion of all material systems inside every galaxy. This effect is caused by repulsive forces of MI which expel the positive matter out of the center of a galaxy and by attractive forces of MII that attract the positive matter towards outer boundary of a galaxy. That all sustains stable and static construction of the universe with the logic of the evolution and organization from void space until supreme possibilities of Life.

-          Matter MIII is negative matter III° of negative space and at the same time primary energy (energy I°) of positive space. As a consequence of its gravitational forces the matter MIII gradually transformed itself into elementary particles (positive energy II°), and then after reaching supercritical repulsive forces with MI, the cloud of particles was ejected at working intervals (the observation of V. A. Ambarcumjan). The entire matter of positive space (with meaning of energy III°) is a result of the evolution of individual clouds of elementary particles. The origin of repulsive forces between MI and MIII is caused by transformation of MIII into higher quality level. Residual matter MIII (the bigger object being observed in the middle of the galaxy) forms together with MI static functional complex – the “Zero transition” between positive and negative space. It has two opposite functions, one of which has been indicated in the above text – functional direction from negative space into positive space. Understanding the absolute organization of the universe also requires studying the opposite function of the transition, especially the function of negative space.

-          Our civilization has reached the most significant phase of its evolution (the relativistic phase). Our principal task is to create a qualitative superstructure of the current experimental method of thought. To remain in stereotype of ineffective and outdated methods – offering such ridiculous theories like the Big bang – is unforgivable. At present it is necessary to think in most general way: to “penetrate” into areas like the overall organization of Life, the regular evolution of civilization, the essence of organization of present means of production (as completely immature systems), and – in comparison – into absolute possibilities of Life. It is essential for us to adopt and develop cosmic method of thinking based on using the absolute laws of the universe – the Law of three elements, the Law of qualitative symmetry, and the Law of development of any mature system.

I offer my cooperation.

Best regards

Dipl.Ing. Zdenek Hanak

12 April 2000

Brno, Czech Republic   


Basic proof is the fact that the smaller body (the matter MI) is exactly in the middle of the galaxy and the larger one (the matter MIII) "flickers" eccentrically by the smaller object - without the larger entity devouring the smaller one. Only by operation of gravitation forces, it would not be possible and the body with larger mass would be more closely to the center. Exact position of the matter MI in the middle of the galaxy must be caused by enormous forces: They are repulsive forces between matters MI and MII - that is, repulsive forces with immense matter MII forced out onto the outer boundary of the galaxy, which, in addition, attracts positive matter and thus "hangs" it in the galaxy. And all that is "held" by the matter MI. That is why the matter MI is squeezed in a relatively small body precisely in the center of the galaxy although quantitatively it is commensurable to the matter MII. Let us emphasize that the matter MI is additionally the Main element of the negative space where the matter MIII helps it to fulfill the important function of the Zero transition between the positive and negative space. Thus, these matters can never swallow each other. Let us repeat that every galaxy is independent and basic unit of evolution of Life - but, by means of the matter MII, it forms at the same time the single whole of the infinite universe, where the skeleton of the matter MII (spatial "honeycomb") "hangs" entire positive (gravitational) matter of the cosmos and does not allow it to cause a collapse of the universe supposed by the scientists. Of course, other means are also all matters MI in the middle of the galaxy - the seemingly insignificant objects. We will all familiarize ourselves in practice, after our death, with their other important function - the transition into the negative space. However, I recommend understanding the theory as soon as possible - especially to the scientists. I remark, because I have been offering most of my theories since 1977.