At the end of most levels of everybody’s studies, a final examination takes place to test the student’s knowledge and determine whether its quality meets the requirements of the special area being studied. Higher education, like at universities and colleges, is naturally finished with elaboration of a difficult thesis not only to examine student’s knowledge thoroughly but also to accomplish his capability within wide scope of his profession. The main purpose is to prepare the student for future qualified and independent work. Since the student doesn’t have enough experience necessary for such eligible work, everyone is assigned an experienced specialist (a consultant) to be guided in a general way towards finding a worthy solution to the given task. A necessary precondition is to have a right goal so that accomplishment of student’s qualification will be on a valuable basis and his independent creative work will be effective.
An underdeveloped (immature) civilization, like ours, is a student as well. The subject being learned becomes Life itself in all its absolute tasks and needs necessary for permanent existence of planetary life. Everything that is valid for a student is valid for a civilization as well, only the requirements are absolute (from the universal point of view). Therefore, a task for civilization must be such type of accomplishment (expertise) which would raise us up to a cosmic developed level. For only then we can become full-value experts of Life. Thus we would be “literate” in understanding its absolute needs and in the implementation of supreme means of the universe which only has the power and functional possibilities essential for everlasting existence of civilization.
During long evolution of hundreds of thousands of years a teacher of our civilization was always its environment. Our mistakes were punished by a shortage and sometimes by disasters as well. During last few millennia when the progress had already characteristics of exponential growth, our main teacher (in the role of our consultant) was the Developed cosmic life. Its means to sufficiently long-lasting educational influence were religions that educated our civilization towards humanity, need for inner experience, need for love, friendship and helping one another. That all is also a major aim of “expertness” called Life. However, in a most general way, we were also shown the absolute organization of Life. In this way our civilization has been sufficiently motivated during the whole period of basic education. This way we are also being motivated to a final development “jump” into cosmic adulthood because the basis of the teaching also enables us to discover the absolute laws of Life.
The most important information has been about the existence of the Holy Trinity (threefold personality) that is not only dominant category of most religions but also fundamental scientific information. In 1971, I realized irreplaceable meaning of this information and soon discovered the Law of three elements, the Law of qualitative symmetry, the regular course of any development (generally valid for every process), universal construction of isolated systems and other. These systems form every cosmic mature development process and create together magnificent architecture of many cooperative and consequent actions (operations). They form perfect organization of Life in infinite cosmic space. The absolute construction of Life discovered represents innumerable quantity of qualitative connections and relationships which signify qualitative verification. This evidence entitles me to the statement that I have discovered the universal (cosmic, mature) method of thinking requisite for natural continuous development of our civilization and its accomplishment into cosmic “literacy”. Some points from these theories are indicated in the enclosure of this pronouncement.
Of course, not only general theories are concerned. It is essential to realize that our civilization has reached the most significant period in the whole existence (the relativistic phase). Our task is to develop our immature thinking by the development “jump” – as necessary means for further existence under entirely new conditions of the cosmic mature organization. In other words, we have come to an efficiency barrier in all spheres of life – we build this barrier ourselves by higher laboriousness (complicacy) of production process when we try to reach maximum efficiency (to fill our increasing needs) by means of inefficient and ineffective systems. Let’s emphasize the substance: Total ineffectiveness of all present production and social systems (from an absolute point of view) is caused by its inability to utilize the qualitative essence of the matter of its functional elements (components). For example, a combustion engine is completely non-perfect system since the mass of a piston in an engine cylinder cannot be functionally used and is actually a burden to the piston. Analogously, a man under power society organization has to perform many poor duties and activities instead of using his creative abilities, experience and feeling. That all limits our fulfillment and development of our personality. The above facts are generally valid in every field of present human activity. A logical consequence is the present in its labyrinth of many poor needs and childish efforts. Moreover, poor quality of all current systems results in uncontrollable growth of many problems that endanger the very existence of a planetary life. These global problems are generally known: a poor state of the environment, rapid growth of energy consumption, the exploitation of non-renewable resources, many regional conflicts, the threat of using the weapons of mass destruction, the abyss between rich and poor countries, and many other. These complex problems cannot be solved within the present means, because these systems are the very cause of them. For this reason, today’s efforts of all levels are respectable but totally ineffective and futile. If our civilization wants to survive, we have to develop such systems in which utilization of the qualitative essence of their elements is the organization basis of a function. Only then we can effectively solve today’s problems and form conditions for a quality of life and fulfillment of most people.
The facts indicated here are only small fragments of information that is a basis of the cosmic (absolute) method of thinking – partly available at This method is a qualitative superstructure of the present experimental method of thinking and at the same time the cosmic graduation thesis of our civilization. It is this method that we are to work on so that we can realize the development “jump” into cosmic literacy which the contemporary generations are predestined to put into effect. To remain in today’s stereotypes of thought means to prepare the collapse of our civilization. The scientific experimental method of research has been leading our civilization correctly for the last few centuries till present “high technologies” which represent nearly the efficiency limit of the current quantitative systems. Future significant development is beyond all the means of this method. However, present science (ensnared into its exact methods) is not able or willing to perceive anything beyond the horizon of its comprehension of the nature and the universe. Everything that does not fit its world view (and a narrow framework of its specialization) is labeled unscientific. This attitude contrasts with the fact that my theories present thousands of different relations and generally used regularities which describe, without any anomaly, overall evolution of the cosmos from void space as well as regular construction of many functional systems.
For more than twenty-five years science rejects such effective methods of research as the above-mentioned laws. These methods offer a lot of needful information for the right direction of further development – without expensive and laborious experimentation. In addition, this qualitative methodology enables us (by means of qualitative symmetry and analogy) to “penetrate into territories” which are quite beyond all scientific methods – to “the superlight speed space” and “the spiritual space”. The organization and potentials of these spaces would be very instructive to us.
Nevertheless, nowadays information of a top priority is that about a necessity of the relativistic development of every section of human activity. That means to substantially increase the efficiency of all our systems. However, the performance of present means is being raised, at great pains, within a few percent. Absurdity of our situation (that is to continue a current development trend without the organization transformation) can be compared to a decision to reach speed of light by using a space shuttle! It is unbelievable that science and political power are not interested in a detached point of view and an absolute evaluation of the past, the present and that what is to be done. Scientific institutions refuse to check universally used so-called inductive organizations that every cosmic development process is based on. Instead of verifying complete theories, science wastes means and the intellectual capacity of the planet. This irresponsibility is analogous to an uncompromising attitude of the medieval Inquisition towards new thoughts and first discoveries of experimental science. The approach of present science is, however, much more dangerous since our civilization is in a transitional and energetically extreme phase that immensely overloads the planet – our Mother Earth. We cannot afford to waver any more. There is no time for politicking and irresponsible behaviour.
In the course of last quarter of a century I tried innumerable times to hold a dialogue, to offer cooperation and explain extraordinary circumstances of our time. I realized many times how impassable the barrier dividing two development epochs is. During the communist regime I had been prosecuted for my initiatives, while after the fall of the dictatorship restrictions were replaced with unconcern of democracy. Also, my last letters and information on the Internet met with no response from science, politicians and mass media.
As I am aware how urgent (and extraordinarily difficult at the same time) to push through the qualitative method is, I am obliged to take decisive measures. It is necessary to lay down conditions of responsibility for every information and act that form an awareness of the mankind. Naturally, I have to begin with myself.
Yes, there is a lot of proof that our civilization has reached a final phase of the quantitative development and our principal assignment is “the elaboration of the cosmic graduation thesis”. I have built my findings on the basis of the most significant and last information of the Commonwealth of advanced cosmic civilizations. With regard to my discoveries it is my duty to follow this educational activity by the execution of a role of the civilization’s consultant because we have to carry out the final development “jump” by ourselves – without foreign help. The very elaboration of the cosmic thesis must only be a matter of our civilization so that after its completion first official contact with representatives of advanced life can be materialized. By analogy with a final exam of a student, the civilization should also be notified by a “superior institution” that the time of the cosmic graduation exam has come – the time of the highest responsibility for everyone has come into being.
I hereby declare that I am ready to serve as the consultant of our civilization. The mankind is already approaching the phase of degeneration and there is not much time left. I, therefore, request the Commonwealth of developed cosmic civilizations to signalize clearly an initiation phase of the Cosmic graduation exam (an accomplishment phase) on the planet Earth. Relevant information on the Internet (being provided at the below address) will be used as a basis for further assessment of our civilization. I appeal to our civilization, in particular to political, scientific and information power, for responsibility and productive discussion about absolute problems!
I am compelled to take these steps because I have no other way of how to get my thoughts through. I believe that my activity will not be regarded as a ridiculous act of a conceited dreamer but as the last chance of a man who is lead by his knowledge and belief in the correct continuation of our development. I hope that we will soon understand our submission to the highest needs of Life would be our great victory. I am prepared to offer my cooperation.
Dipl.Ing. Zdenek Hanak
27 January 2000 (updated 21 February ’00)
Brno, Czech Republic
Please note that further information and remarks are to be found on a website at
English versions of other texts are under way. If you like, you can also send any of your comments to the above address. I am looking forward to your reply.
Enclosure: Some absolute facts
The qualitative method of thinking is based on universal using of three absolute laws: the Law of three elements, the Law of qualitative symmetry and the Law of development. Another essential means how to reach the absolute construction of Life is the Bearer of development. It is a system in which the above laws are used in the simplest and most effective form. The Bearer is the principal elementary system of the cosmos and therefore the most important tool of research. However, it is only a part of the inductive system that is a complete structure necessary for any development process. A brief account of the laws is available in Table 10; a very brief description of many areas of interest is presented in Tables 1 to 13. The single elements and aspects of Life are arranged according to degrees of effectiveness of their using in selected fields. These themes are described in the Communications 1 to 16.
It is useful to realize:
-The limiting laws of nature (the principle of conservation of energy, the principle of conservation of momentum) are not generally valid – they are only a sign of organization immaturity and low possibilities of present systems. The same is valid for an idea of the light speed limitation too. There is not any barrier for cosmic systems.
On the contrary, the mature Life is organized by means of the isolated (inductive) systems in which functioning is conditional on the existence of the Bearer – with meaning of a support to a process (operation). What the planet means for present systems (the immature organization) is the Bearer for isolated systems (the mature organization). The Bearer makes the isolated process possible by means of the accumulation of energy of reaction. In addition, the Bearer does not only form the support to supreme cosmic operations but at the same time it enables a development to the increasingly higher power output of these cosmic systems. Let’s emphasize: this progress, which is so hard to make by present production of new models (with minimum percentage increase), is reached by isolated systems by means of the accumulation of energy of reaction. The same energy of reaction is a waste product of present systems that so heavily pollute and damage the environment.
-The essence of the construction of the Bearer is a permanent force bond between two qualitatively opposite (qualitatively symmetrical) elements. Every accumulation of energy in the Bearer makes qualitative as well as shape change of these elements and their approach. That causes an increase of their reciprocal force effect. This is the very substance of relativistic changes in every development process. The cosmic qualitative research is then the absolute theory of relativity looking for using of the Bearer in the organization of every important process:
…The Bearer of our thinking is the memory of our brain and our soul. This Bearer forms a support to our thinking by the accumulation of energy of reaction that is a condition for realization of information being received. At the same time the Bearer also makes a progress that enables us to think on the increasingly higher level. After finishing an immature development phase, the same Bearer becomes additionally the source of creative power energy in the phase of the creative development of our thought. The immature development is analogous to accelerating of mass within sublight speeds, whereas creative activity to accelerating at superlight speeds which represent generally the sublime organization of the material cosmos.
…The acceleration of the cosmic means of transport: the Bearer is formed by mass and so-called gravitational induction (kinetic form of a gravitational field) which together build a skeleton. This skeleton gradually increases its energy value so that closely before the speed of light it will ignite energy of energetic void – as means of getting over the light speed as well as accelerating into limitless superlight speeds. (See The impulse engine in the Communication 11 where a theoretical design of cosmic means of transport is worked out).
…The Bearer forming a support in a “respiratory chain” of our cells is a mitochondrion. In sublight speed space it accumulates water as energy of reaction (the substance of the aging process), while in superlight speed space the same water becomes only source of energy and is expelled out of the mitochondrion (the substance of the absolute rejuvenation process). Consequently, into sublight space a man returns totally rejuvenated and prepared for repeated existence! Death in the first cycle of our existence is a punishment for our immaturity. In contrast, developed extraterrestrial life transfers in infinite space while experiencing beautiful feelings of the rejuvenation. I remark that the text above is not an extract from science fiction but the sublime potential of the material life. The current ideas regarding the movement and stay in outer space are quite naive. Our body does not change a quality by its “operation”; it only prepares for the reverse development phase. To be complete – the sublight space and the superlight space form together single Material (positive) space.
…The Bearer of Life is the Spiritual (negative) space – separate for every galaxy. It is formed by negative matters MI and MII. The matter MI is concentrated in the center of every galaxy and ejects the entire matter MII by repulsive forces onto the periphery of a galaxy. All galaxies in the infinitely spacious universe form together infinite and solid skeleton of the Spiritual space (infinite spatial “honeycomb” from the matter MII). There is a separate and absolutely regular evolution of Life in every cell of the skeleton. The negative matters MI and MII (so-called “dark matter” currently being searched for) sustain constant progressive motion of all material systems inside every galaxy. This effect is caused by repulsive forces of MI which expel the positive matter out of the center of a galaxy and by attractive forces of MII that attract the positive matter towards outer boundary of a galaxy. That all sustains stable and static construction of the universe with the logic of the evolution and organization from void space until supreme possibilities of Life. Moreover, the Spiritual space also represents magnificent possibilities for our after-life existence (see detailed information in other messages).
The thoughts above are only small pieces of information from my theories that in total present the integral overall view of Life. The theories are not only philosophical categories but they also provide concrete systems for practical use. I add that the method of experiment is a scientific method totally non-perfect, because it has no tools how to reach the absolute organization of the universe. As a result, every attempt of current science to explain overall organization of Life has to end in a failure. The greatest mistake of science is thus the hypothesis of the Big bang since it relates to the whole cosmos and the ideas are exactly opposite: At the beginning of any development every system has minimum unit energy that is being gradually increased by the accumulation of energy of reaction. Present science is far away from a correct idea of a construction of Life – at the beginning there were Energetic void and COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS (GOD) as the original creator and driving force.
I wish we understand that the time we are to build the supreme cosmic method of thought (grounded on using the absolute principles of Life) has just come into being. A problem cannot be solved accidentally – but in the context of absolute laws. By means of an experiment, the whole process is to be completed. At least for last fifteen years all decisions could have been guided on the basis of absolute facts. It will also be an argument in the process of the assessment of our civilization (and those who decide what is true or false) during the Cosmic graduation exam.