Apel 2

An appeal to science, particularly to astronomers

At the beginning let me formulate a few brief sentences: Life is a continuous evolution; a basic law of Life is the Principle of qualitative symmetry (the Principle of contrariety). Every living form at every level develops in two opposite phases (the immature, quantitative phase – the mature, qualitative phase) and by cooperation of two opposite categories (quantitative and qualitative). Also, on the largest scale, there are two opposite cosmic spaces (the positive, physical space – the negative, spiritual space) with opposite means of evolution: in the Negative space, the means is quantitative reproduction of matters of absolute qualities; in the Positive space, the essence of evolution is permanent transformation of basic matter into increasingly higher quality. In the process of their cooperation, entire positive matter was ejected out of the negative space, and, on the contrary, the qualitatively symmetric quality to primary matter at its accomplished level of evolution has to pass from the positive into negative space. This quality is souls of biological individuals; so, everyone shall experience after-life existence, in which we shall learn how little we know today. The evolution of Life is entirely regular – with total using the absolute principles of Life. The evolution began by the action of the energetic void and up to now has been controlled by the Consciousness on many degrees of effectiveness. The dominant consciousness, meaning the primary driving force and authority, fulfilling the most important function of Life, is the Cosmic consciousness – that is, God. At present, the evolution of our civilization reached a point when also we (the mankind) have to conform, in every way, to the absolute laws of Life – otherwise, our immature activities of ineffective dynamics would perish us! I recommend all the people who influence social consciousness in any way to think over their activities, to study information on a website at http://dt.fme.vutbr.cz./mysleni and consider carefully the real value of their effort. At present, the only need of real importance is carrying out the development “jump” of our civilization into the cosmic maturity. The means is mature organization of thinking, production and society. To understand the present time requires thinking in a relativistic way.

Every real evolutionary process has its regular course. It is because the principle of an evolution is always a gradual raising the functional mass (meaning the quality of functional elements) and raising the degree of utilization of this quality during the system operation. Equations of the theory of relativity are valid not only for accelerating a mass and the action of extremely massive objects. Every evolutionary process of absolute characteristics realises development of the functional mass according to the development curve, which is the reciprocal to the relativity coefficient k = (c2/v2) 1/2. This is, however, only in its phase of the learning development, which models accelerating of a system within areas of sublight speeds. The learning (immature) development is followed by the phase of the creative (mature) one, in which the inner quality of a developing system is being gradually built – with a course according to the quality coefficient k’ = (v’2/c2) 1/2, where v’ is a velocity within the superlight speeds sphere and c is the speed of light.

Civilization, as a single whole, is an absolute evolving system accomplishing the evolution of the solar system, which is a means of the evolution of the Physical (positive) space. Characteristics of all production and communication systems currently being used prove that our development has reached the level immediately before the relativistic area. It is a short development phase (the development “jump”) in which we are to become “mature” in cosmic terms. It means we are to understand the organization of Life (the universe) in its absolute principles and to accomplish our thinking to absolute functional qualities. Our task is not only to understand the overall evolution and function of the Physical space, but also the Spiritual (negative) space with the evolution from void space, and the evolution of means of building the entire energy of the universe – to understand the function and way of using all functional and controlling characteristics, including the function and role of the Cosmic consciousness, that means God.

The evolution of the Physical space is regular evolution of billions of solar systems in every galaxy. This evolution runs at three basic evolutionary levels (AIo, AIIo, AIIIo), always with three subdegrees (Io, IIo, IIIo), where at the Io level the skeleton base is built, at the IIo level the skeleton is accomplished, and at the IIIo level the inner quality of a system is being built. Only when the building of the quality of a system at lower level is finished, the condition for evolution at higher level is created.

At the level AIo, matter of a solar system was built from a cloud of elementary particles that gradually divided in separate objects (Io and IIo). By the quasar evolution, particles combined into hydrogen with radiation of great energy (the beginning of the IIIo phase). By the thermonuclear fusion, hydrogen was transformed into elements of higher atomic number and these into all sorts of compounds. This evolution of less massive objects was conditioned by immense energy of a quasar of a star, which, in space of inner planets, created a “cosmic furnace” of unimaginable heat. By a cooling of a life-giving planet the evolution AIo was finished, and, at the same time, preconditions for birth of biological life – as a qualitatively new means of the solar system evolution at AIIo – were created.

At the level AIIo, let us show the course of evolution in its essence of gradual increasing the functional mass M at three sublevels. At the level Io, life was being evolved in the sea. A “determined pathfinder”, entering first on the land, was an animal called Ichthyostega – by replacing a function of a salty environment (the sea) with single inner element – the spine. By entrance onto the land, regular evolution of the solar system reaches the level IIo at AIIo. The spine made possible qualitatively new functional possibilities that resulted in evolving more and more dynamic species. The relativistic accomplishment and creative phase of evolution at AIIo gradually resulted in an increase of the brain of primates and anthropoid apes. The memory was an inner element that liberated thinking from its direct connection with the environment – the memory became a new support to thought. As well as the spine had been the inner element allowing the development transition from Io to IIo, also sufficiently large memory was the inner element functionally replacing the whole environment and thus enabling development transition from boundary conditions of Io to IIo. At the same time, the evolution of the solar system at AIIo was finished – as a precondition for beginning of evolution at the level AIIIo.

The finishing evolution AIIIo is the evolution of abstract thought that, again, has to take place on three sublevels. A means of evolution is a building of the production. For hundreds of thousands of years the primary, static level Io was being gradually evolved; at the present time the development is beginning to stagnate because of complicated and laborious developing the highest possibilities of the quantitative (immature) organization IIo, which is unable to functionally use the qualitative substance of its elements. And if development of the functional mass, i.e. the quality of functional elements and a degree of using this quality, is a principle of the physical space evolution, then the present systems are unusable for further natural development. Their imperfection and low functional possibilities originate in a common functional basis of all immature systems: in obtaining a support of any action by transmission of energy of reaction into the planet. So again, there is only one solution how to finish the IIo phase and advance on the qualitatively higher level (IIIo) of organization: to replace the support formed by the entire environment, by surface of the planet, with single inner element of a system. It is the inner support for a process, the so-called Bearer of development, which as a part of its own system accumulates energy of reaction. The Bearer of development not only fully replaces the function of the planet, but, in addition, by the qualitative accumulation of energy of reaction enables the system the most effective development of the functional mass M – without any limitation. Only by a building these developed cosmic systems we can carry out the development jump as a transition of development conditions from the IIo to IIIo level. Only this level has means to our lasting existence. Nowadays, the quantitatively immature organization is applied not only in the production but also in the society organization, scientific research and every our way of thinking. Thus, a main problem of the present day is single and common for the whole civilization: our aim is building of systems with their own support for a process (with the Bearer of development), that is, building of the cosmic developed systems.

Understandably, the Bearer of development is used in every organization of the universe, in every important process of Life of the cosmos. Description of its construction is available on the above website. Here, only several examples of the Bearer are given and the most significant function is shown. The Bearer of development of our thought is our memory together with our soul, the Bearer of our body is the mitochondrion, and the Bearer of our Solar System is the life-giving planet, the Earth.

In order to understand the organization of the universe, it is essential to realize that the Bearer of development of Life, that is, the most important system of the universe, is the Negative space. The Positive space (most of visible matter) is only a means of evolution of the opposite quality; the final product is a soul of biological individuals that return into the Negative space to the functionally most perfect and beautiful existence. Let us add, the entire energy of the universe originated in the Negative space – at the same time as matters MI, MII and MIII. The entire positive matter was created by regular evolution of the functional mass from MIII; negative matters MI and MII are the substance of the construction of the Bearer of the evolution of Life. Since Life is only one, also the Bearer of evolution of the universe has common construction for infinite space. However, dynamics of evolution necessitates its division – the basic organization unit becomes the space of a galaxy. In the process of evolution (see the website) matter MII is forced out by MI (they repulse each other) to the outer boundary of a galaxy and thus matters MII of all galaxies form together the skeleton – the infinite spatial “honeycomb”, where every cell has an extent of the outer boundary of a galaxy. The matter MIII represents missing matter in the universe, generally known as dark matter, which is currently intensively searched for by many scientific teams throughout the world. Solidity of this infinite skeleton and its constancy is caused by the absolute quality of negative matter and by repulsive forces with matter MI – concentrated in a relatively small object precisely in the middle of every galaxy. This exact central location (in accord with recent observations) is given by huge repulsive forces and is not deviated even by determinative bond with an object of matter MIII. Let us note that MIII is residual energy (the entire matter of the positive space was created from the rest of MIII) and with MI constitute a common functional object – the Zero transition of two opposite functions. Matter MIII is the greater one from two observed objects in the middle of the galaxy. Naturally, objects MI and MIII have to be present in every galaxy.

The development in the field of astronomy has also reached the relativistic area of research. For example, discoveries of the above described objects in the centre of the galaxy (although, for the present, only in the galaxy M31) and of a constant angular velocity of the galaxy bodies imply that there are not only interactions of gravitational nature. The discoveries are consistent with the existence and action of the skeleton of mass MI and MII. Now, however, let me focus attention on limiting factors in research of astronomers resulting in many mistakes. These are the consequence of efforts to define the absolute organization of the universe by means of inadequate methods and instruments. Some of the basic faults are, for instance, the interpretation of measured red shift of the quasar radiation, ignorance of the quasar function and crucial use of quasars during the evolution of the material space – as a basic means of the positive space evolution at the III° level (combining of elementary particles to hydrogen). However, a matter of primary importance is ignorance of the existence and basic using the Bearer of development, which is the essence of the quasar organization.

In a quasar, non-uniform movement of proton created the gravitational wave, and non-uniform movement of electron formed the electromagnetic wave (at the same time and in the same place – as products of energetic void). The waves combined together and radiate in the universe as a perfect Bearer of evolution prepared to accumulate energy. In this radiation, the gravitational wave is the material basis and the electromagnetic wave is the opposite main element. The system is made stable by their mutual force bond (the common element) and by shaped qualitative memory (the stabilising element). This construction enables constant accumulation of energy which is, for the quasar radiation, every “collision” with any mass in space in the course of spread of radiation from its source, a quasar, to an observer. If concentration of free, dispersed mass were constant, the size of the red shift would be a measure of the distance of a quasar to an observer. The thing is that every passage through mass is accumulation of energy that causes enlargement of attractive forces and mutual approach of both waves, with a more massive (red) part of the electromagnetic spectrum approaching closer – the red shift is increasing. Thus, the red shift is not a product of galaxies motion but a consequence of accumulation of energy in a system with construction of the Bearer of development. On the contrary, galaxies are confined in cells of static construction of the negative space (dark matter MIII) and the only movement is a motion of individual physical objects inside a galaxy. This motion is a resultant of an action of the forces of the physical objects and matters MI and MII, that is, gravitational and centrifugal forces of mass. The Doppler’s principle applies, of course, to separate electromagnetic radiation (without gravitational component) that cannot accumulate energy while passing through mass.

Nowadays, when our thinking must concentrate an effort of our civilization on carrying out the development “jump” in order to transform planetary conditions of II° into III°, the reasoning in a way of the Big Bang theory is unpardonable. We need to develop “absolute” conceptions in every field; every our doing must be of cosmic value. We are to consider how to start and proceed with developing the cosmic mature systems and methods, how long we need existing immature systems, and how fast to limit their production and innovation. A today’s poor state of our planet necessitates an urgent treatment. I hereby appeal to scientists for studying the absolute method of thinking on the Internet at (http://www.bristle.cz/kosmickemysleni/). I ask astronomers to focus their research on the verification of the existence of the negative space skeleton and on the specification of the nature of force bonds between the positive and negative matters. A responsible reflection on the absolute organization of the universe will also start new, cosmic thinking in solving society problems.

I am looking forward to cooperation with you.


                                                                                  Best regards

                                                                                  Dipl.Ing. Zdenek Hanak


5 February 2001
